Monday, January 4, 2010

Life in a Metro

Every time I travel in a metro, the analogy of a metro with life crosses my mind and I just can't help myself wondering about the similarities.

The way we take birth, we enter a metro. Everyone enters from a different station. Its fixed when one will get down from the metro, the way its fixed we all have to die one day. To give more weight to my comparison, I often even compare the time we enter the station by swiping the token as the time one enters the mother's womb.

The difference is that on entering the metro, we remember where we have come from, our purpose of entering it and our station of getting down. Thats why we don't get attached to our fellow passengers and we don't cry when others get down :). We know about after metro exists, though a different one.

At times, one has to change the metro line(usually from CP ;) ). I compare that to rebirth :P. The lucky ones get out of the metro(Moksha in life) and others get a rebirth and re-enter the metro :).

As said in Hindu mythology, one gets human life after 84lacs other births, one keeps traveling in a metro after some time. Its a never-ending process :)

The comparisons are endless. I know I might be sounding stupid but I had to share this. Please let me know your comments on this analogy :)


  1. I love Delhi metro and have been using them for many years ... and have thought a lot about them and thought a lot when inside them....but i never thought about them in this way!
    Hats off to you for coming up with such ideas.
    Just one request, keep them coming :) And more frequently :)

  2. We'ld have been more focused on destination station if life were of 3 minutes instead of 80 years. They make connections coz there is nothing else they need to do here and its easy to get bored doing nothing for 80 years.

  3. Wow!! such a nice depiction,that makes life so easy!! hehe ... :)So at the moment we all are in the same metro!! Nice meeting you :)

  4. i agree with sumit..never thot this way inspite of fact that i travelled umpteen no of times in em.. gud one aanchi.. one more times we do talk/exchange smiles/share thots with ppl,just the way we encounter ppl in "lyf" and they make our journey lesser tedious/boring n more enjoyable.. :)

    tc dear.. n keep writing..

  5. @Sumit.. Thanks :) U keep reminding,I'll keep writing
    @Vivek, Thanks for not criticizing ;)
    @HS, As Anki said, we do make frnds in metro, par we don't loose our focus :)
    @Amit, Nice meeting u too, Give me ur no., I'll be in touch with you even after I get down :D
    @Anki Manki, Very True...

  6. I always feel that peope who can write are better judge of a situation which is near to life and to describe life in such a fashion says it all about your writing skills....waiting for some more to follow... :)

  7. Now now now .. you're not getting down .. but anyway..heres my number: 251521188511820
    Keep in touch!

  8. Kya blog hai..
    A different analogy..
    Shakespere said : Life is a play.
    You said: Life's a metro :)


  9. This blog is quite unique and different.

    But one cannot be focussed (abt reaching the destination) for his/her whole life (80 years), whose you are, are really exceptional ppl

    @Amit: will be in contact with you, you don't worry!! ;)

  10. hmmmm.....seriously never thought it this way..Though I've not yet travelled in metro :( but still metro can be substituted by any other PT vehicle like bus/train,this thought never crossed my mind.
    Great going aanchu :)

